Leafy Soda is the flagship product of the Leafy Industries, a subsidiary of Ordonnia. It is a cold beverage that procures hallucogenic effects, such as sudden head color changes, hallucinations, or euphoria.
Leafy Soda was born on the 31st of July 2018, originally as a joke based on a friend of Meaxis. The soda then got its own vending machine and was stored in a place called "leafy_soda". It also got several declinaisons there, including Snowy Soda, Leafy Energy, and some unknown variants such as The Potato or Bacon Hair Bacon.
Arrival in Automatic Subway
Leafy Soda knew a real upgrade in popularity when it arrived in Automatic Subway at an unknown date (presumably at the Christmas Update of 2020)
The machines originally added were the V0 machines.
Full release
The Leafy Soda Machines recieved their full release as V1-Oxalic with the arrival of a screen, a smaller size, and a more bright glow. They were mainly featured in Automatic Subway and in some MeaxisNetwork Games.
From there, it also knew several other declinaisons: Leafy Fit, Leafy Brain, Leafy Chips, (Un)Healthy Water.
After the original rush of Leafy Updates, Leafy Soda stagnated around the year 2021 and did not recieve much further updates. The machines recieved a few facelifts but were never fully updated. Eventually, the V1 API came to be deprecated and all V0 machines stopped working.
After a rework of MeaxisNetwork's site, it also became impossible to obtain Leafy Soda API keys and operation was only maintained for games that actively had Leafy Soda in their game.
Update of 2023 (+ present)
In 2023, after the passage from MeaxisNetwork to Ordonnia, Leafy Soda recieved a complete facelift. The machines were finally upgraded, from version Oxalic to version Hydrochloric, and the soda itself recieved a rebranding.
Leafy Soda knew a myriad of commercials during its existence.